This is IsGood Woodworks own method of quickly edge gluing solid wood to create table tops, door panels, or any other wide solid wood panel you might need. Our edge laminating method produces flat wood panels free of twist with little effort or practice..
To use this method you need:
A very flat table that is paste waxed to keep the glue from sticking
Curved clamping cauls
Glue in a roller bucket (optional)
Quick bullet point recap:
Lay the boards on the table as they will be glued, with the edges running left to right.
Stand all of them up on edge except the one farthest away from you.
Roll ample wood glue onto the up facing edges and drop them back down on the table
Push the edges together to prevent the glue from drying from exposure
Place the cauls on the boards (across the joints), about one every two feet, curved side down
Clamp the cauls down just until they are bent flat to the surface
Clamp across the joints with enough pressure to squeeze out a bead of glue.
Give them at least a half an hour (for yellow glue), then unclamp
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